Spanish Prepositions – Preposiciones españolas

Personal notes from this LINGVIST lesson

Other than the contraction of a and de with el (al and del, respectively), prepositions do not change to show gender/number, etc. like many other Spanish words.

Simple (One-Word) Prepositions

Spanish PrepositionsEnglish Equivalents
aat, to
antebefore, in the face of, in the presence of
bajounder, below
contraagainst, in exchange for
deof, about, from
desdesince, from
duranteduring, for
enin, into, by, inside, within, at
entrebetween, among, amongst
exceptoexcept (for)
haciatowards, about, around
hastaas far as, up to, until, till
medianteby means of
parafor, in order to, toward
porbecause of, (in order) to, for, by, through, per
segúnaccording to, depending on
sobreon (top of), over, above, about, upon
trasafter (later in time / in search of), behind (on the other side of)

Complex (Multi-Word) Prepositions

Spanish PrepositionsEnglish Equivalents
además deas well as, in addition to, besides
al lado debeside
alrededor dearound, about
antes de, delante debefore
a pesar dedespite
cerca denear, close (to)
con respecto ain respect of
de acuerdo conin accordance with
debajo deunder, underneath
delante dein front of
dentro dein, inside, into, within
encima deon (top of), above, over
(en) frente a/deopposite, towards
fuera de, a excepción deexcept for, apart from
junto anext to, right by, near


en” in the same way as “in,” while in others the usage diverges from English. Such as Location, Time, Describing “How”, and Subjects or Skills.


de” can correspond to “of,” “to,” “from,” and even “by” in English in the following contexts: Ownership, Origin, Topic or “Aboutness”, Location, From Here to There, Bits and Pieces, When, Causes, and What it’s made of.

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